Happy Friday,

We had a wonderful week. Please continue to scroll down and read about what we've been up to.
Mr. Smith used the outdoor classroom!
Conversation Starters:
He has butterflies in his stomach.
What does PEMDAS mean?
Did you work outside in math class this week? How was that?
What is a Rube Goldberg Machine
Liberation of Gabriel King read aloud updates
Language Arts with Mrs. Conley
We have continued with Daily Oral Language and the kids are doing a wonderful job participating at home and in class. Skills we worked on include: proper nouns, me/I, underlining titles, quoting poetry, and more. We continue to practice using the new vocabulary word of the week and the new idiom of the week as a part of these lessons.
Paragraphs and poetry
Each week we glue a new poem of the week in our reader's notebooks. There is a mini lesson about the poem. We discuss the poem's style and the variety of ways that a poem can be written. The poems are fun and they tie in the figurative language that we are working on. This week's poem was My Little Brother. Students at home wrote their own metaphor poems using their families as the topics. Also, paragraph packets were due today about a trip. We followed this pattern - (Topic sentence, transition word for detail 1, explanation of detail 1, transition word for detail 2, detail 2 explanation, transition word for detail 3, detail 3 explanation, and transition word concluding sentence. ) Students have been prompted to write at least one explanation sentence, but they may write up to three.

Math Content: The kids are definitely catching on and following the routines in math class!
We are finishing up Area and Perimeter and focusing on Volume and Order of Operations.
Skills :We have had a couple of speed tests looking to improve on those times tables!
We learned about exponents and how to use the calculator to help with exponents. Making sure that we label our answers is another great skill that we continue to work on.
Challenge Choice- We did a Sumdog Challenge this week! Otters vs Geese vs Tetons, I will let you know how it turns out. Digit Detective is a challenge choice- kids can use a calculator and a computer to look up answers. Equato is kind of tricky too. The kids will need to use order of operations to solve these problems.
Content: We read aloud chapters 3 and 4 in “The Liberation of Gabriel King”. Ask your child what happened?
Skills: We are working on Stamina reading. We read for 15 minutes at the beginning of class and then for the first twenty minutes of study hall. We have been looking for similes and metaphors in our independent reading and in our read aloud. Ask them to share with you.
Social Studies:
Content: Map Skills-Odensa, Kids Discover Online-America 1492, and Discovery of the Americas-listen to this story. We also finished up with early explorer Marco Polo.
Skills: We worked on our first map skills assignment. Using a map and legend of Odensa we were able to locate different components of the map. We also logged into Kids Discover online. This is an online resource where we are learning about early America. Ask them to show you this website and what they are reading. They also have a packet of questions they are answering as they are reading. Students can also listen to these passages instead of reading.
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