Language Arts Curriculum

Language Arts Work

Reader’s Workshop-
  • Mini Lessons
Stamina- working on reading for long periods of time with

Inferencing- learning to “Read between the lines.” Proving
your inferential thinking with evidence from the book.

Plot-There are five main elements in a plot.
  1. Exposition 
This is the beginning of the story, where characters and setting are established. The conflict or main problem is introduced as well.
  1. Rising Action
Rising action which occurs when a series of events build up to the conflict. The main characters are established by the time the rising action of a plot occurs, and at the same time, events begin to get complicated. It is during this part of a story that excitement, tension, or crisis is encountered.
  1. Climax
In the climax, or the main point of the plot, there is a turning point of the story. This is meant to be the moment of highest interest and emotion, leaving the reader wondering what is going to happen next.
  1. Falling Action
Falling action, or the winding up of the story, occurs when events and complications begin to resolve. The result of the actions of the main characters are put forward.
  1. Resolution
Resolution, or the conclusion, is the end of a story, which may occur with either a happy or a tragic ending.

Setting- how important is it to the story, could it be the main

Character traits- Inferencing to better understand
Characters behaviors and how they affect the story

Figurative Language- How does this form of descriptive writing
  enhance a story.

Theme- Inferencing to understand the author’s message

Author’s purpose- Points of view and voice of the author and
    how a story is affected by the author’s thinking.

Evidence- Quoting a book or article when proving our thinking

  • Independent Reading-30-45 min.
  • Writing about our reading with mini lesson directions in Reader’s Notebooks.
  • Come together to share our reading and thinking about independent books or read aloud
  • Individual teacher/student conferences to discuss books

Writer’s Workshop-
  • Mini-Lessons
Paragraphing- 6-8 sentences, use transition words, topic
sentence, details to support the topic, conclusion sentence

Narrative Writing- Focus on details, using figurative
Opinion/Persuasive Writing- focus on thesis statements with
evidence to support opinion (Min. 5 paragraphs)
Rubric -

Expository Writing- Exploration/Explorer research and essay
Great American Essay- Research using inferential thinking
along with character traits to tell about a Great American
(5-7 paragraphs)


  • Vocabulary work is incorporated through our novels.
  • Daily teacher read aloud and discussions
  • Typing skills are practiced weekly with key pad covers

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