Dear Parents,
(This is a reminder to follow these steps for quizlet.)
We need your help. Recently HMS purchased the premium version of an app called Quizlet. This app helps our students learn vocabulary through practice and games. In order for our students to avoid advertisements and so that they may access all aspects of Quizlet they must create an account. Because our students are less than 13 years old, this requires a parent email. We would appreciate it if you would help your child get a Quizlet account up and running. Quizlet will send you an email explaining why they need to gather this information and what they do with it. They will ask you to confirm your child's account. Once you do this step, your child will be able to access all practice sets their teacher assigns via Quizlet.
Please have your child go to There they will be prompted to
sign up for an account. They should click on
"Continue with Google".
Then they'll be prompted to enter:
- Birthday
- Username (please have them use y2028ffflll for their username) - in other words, their email name.
- Parent's Email
We enjoyed meeting you at our virtual conferences. We are asking your help in supporting us with online behavior during Google meets. Academic times are: 8:10, 11:10, and 1:10. Wednesday times are: 8:00, 9:30, and 10:15. Students should not be hanging out on the meets prior to their assigned Google meet times.
Conversation starters:
melancholy (means)
It went in one ear and out the other.
The Stranger
Thank you, Sarah
How did Gabriel King chance at the end of the story?
What was your favorite part of this story?
What was the theme of “Mr. Peabody’s Apples?
Who were two of the Portuguese explorers? Spanish explorers? Why did they explore? What were some positive effects of exploration? Negative effects?
What does the quote mean?

What is 10 to the 9th power equal?
Conley's creamery is open for business. Using alliteration we crafty crazy creative flavors: creamy chocolate chip cookie dough, perfect pink peppermint patty, super scrumptious strawberry s'mores, and marshmallow mint moose track mountain are a few!
Students continue to be introduced to different styles of poetry. We wrote poems using onomatopoeia and we were challenged to have every other line rhyme. We are drafting poems that include personification. I've asked the kids to share them at Thanksgiving. Here are two examples of our onomatopoeia poems.

Mrs Found
Reading Content: We finished reading The Liberation of Gabriel King. We are all sad to say goodbye to Gabe and Frita. Ask your child how the main characters grow and change. We continued working on theme. We read aloud “Mr. Peabody’s Apples” and discussed the theme of this story. We learned there can be more than one theme. Theme is the lesson, message, or moral of the story.
Social Studies Content: The kids continued working on their Map Assignment. These are due on Monday 11/23 for cohort 1 and Tuesday 11/24 for cohort 2. We will be sharing these in class on Monday and Tuesday. We have been learning about Portuguese and Spanish explorers.
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