Happy Friday!
This is a reminder that the Open House is this coming Tuesday. The evening begins at 5:30 in the cafeteria with Mike Arsenault. At 6, please come down to the 5th grade wing. Mrs. Conley's Teton homeroom is in 115 and Mrs. Jag's Acadians are in 116.
The week flew by! Our first few days were nuts and bolts and getting used to our schedules. The children have done an excellent job mastering the halls. We all enjoyed the scavenger hunt activity with their 8th grade buddies. Enjoy the pictures below.
In reading this week we met Mrs. Stuhr and had our first library lesson. The students received their library numbers and had time to get a book. The reading expectation in 5th grade is to read at least 20 minutes Sunday through Thursday night.
We had our first writing prompt. Both classes did a wonderful job. We began our prompts with a sound/onomatopoeia. We had fun sharing.
We enjoyed the three items in a bag activity. We have lots of cat and dog owners and a lot of unique hobbies.
We started a little bit of math this week with lots more to come! We’ve been playing games to help us practice our math facts and learned about Ken-Ken puzzles. These puzzles are addictive. The students did a super job picking up the rules for Ken-Kens and showed a lot of super thinking as they decided where to put each number. We will work on Ken-Kens again next week before introducing our next Challenge Choice.
Next week in science we will begin learning a little bit about our amazing brains. We will learn the different parts of the brain and why having a positive mindset is so important to our learning.

Conversation starters:
Be A Perfect Person In Just Three Days
Pat points
Budge Cards
Do Unto Otters
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